PM – it is really the what and the how

Although I’m not an advocate of ‘paying’ for the demonstration of particular behaviours or competencies without a commensurate contribution or output, research suggests that employees deliver more consistent results when you emphasise the “how” as well as the “what” . Chris Edmonds brought this to light in research he featured in his Cool Culture blog: … Continued

From Jim Collins’s new book – a different Hertzberg?

Factors that serve to demotivate employees are stronger than those that motivate them. For decades, “good” managers have concerned themselves with how to motivate employees – how to encourage their employees to give their best. New research from Jim Collins, co-author of Good to Great and Great by Choice, offers a new perspective (from the … Continued

Leadership Lessons from Grey’s Anatomy

Thanks to Erin Duggins for this… In a recent showing of Grey’s Anatomy, there was a prevalent theme regarding leadership, and to what degree those with the best technical capabilities can rise to the occasion and make the best leaders. The Grey’s Anatomy writers used a fictional “Gunther” exercise to exemplify this leadership theme. The … Continued

Do Teddies Have a Place in the Boardroom

By Lucy Kellaway from the FT Last week I gave a talk to an audience of four dozen colleagues plus two teddy bears and a rabbit with one eye. The subject was: Who reads the Financial Times? And my thesis was that our readers are odder than you’d think. We now know, following the storming … Continued

Money and the meaning of life….

Read this on HBR and couldn’t put it any better myself so…. Everywhere you look, there’s compelling evidence that the single-minded pursuit of wealth often leads smart people to do incredibly stupid things — things that destroy what money can’t buy. Last week, the big story was the conviction of Raj Rajaratnam on 14 counts … Continued

McDonalds is hiring 50000 people today.

That’s some achievement….. and they are at pains to show that a job is not just a job but a career. Anybody prepared to make that commitment in these days is worthy of our respect.

Even Google’s doing it

A recent article in the Evening Standard about Google adopting competencies to develop their managers – loh and behold – who would have ever thought it. Read the article here